Search Results: AI

March 2024 Headlines: Research and Education Programs and Priorities of the STEM Education Directorate at the National Science Foundation

The 2024 Headlines series continues with a discussion about the research and education programs and priorities within the STEM Education Directorate at the National Science Foundation. View the Slides Presenter Dr. James L. Moore III, Assistant Director for the Directorate for STEM Education at the National Science Foundation As a member of the executive leadership team at the National Science Foundation (NSF), Dr. James L. Moore III is the Assistant Director for the Directorate for STEM Education (EDU). With an annual budget of over $1 Billion and personnel oversight for nearly 200 employees, he serves as the senior leader for…


Advocacy Day Spotlight: Early Bird Registration Ending Soon!

Early bird registration for COSSA’s tenth annual Social Science Advocacy Day is still OPEN! The event will be taking place April 8-9, 2024 in Washington, DC. Don’t wait, register here before the price increases. Social Science Advocacy Day is open to anyone affiliated with a COSSA member organization or university. Not a member? Learn how here. If your organization is interested in becoming a sponsor of Social Science Advocacy Day, learn more here. Visit the COSSA website for the latest information on Social Science Advocacy Day and to view the recording of the recent informational webinar. Contact Elyse Bailey at with any additional questions.


Headlines Webinars Return on February 27

COSSA’s Headlines Webinars have returned! For 2024, Headlines will feature discussions with leaders of federal science agencies, providing opportunities for the social and behavioral science community to learn about agency research programs, funding opportunities, and priorities. The series kicks off this month with a discussion about the research and data activities within the National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Statistics. RSVP and learn more here. Headlines is a webinar series available to COSSA member organizations.


Congress Balances FY 2024 Budget and Supplemental Funding Package as CR Deadline Approaches

As previously reported, Congress is slowly inching closer to the end of their continuing resolution (CR) that expires on tiered deadlines in the first two weeks of March. While House Appropriations subcommittees have received their allocations for their respective bills, it’s still unclear whether Congress will produce the required twelve bills by the deadlines, produce a large or partial omnibus package, or extend the current CR. In past weeks, Congress has been working to pass a National Security supplemental funding package to provide aid to Ukraine, Israel, and the border crisis. However, this bill has been highly contentious and, while…


Science Committee Discuss Federal Agency Research Security Measures

On February 15, Congress held a Full Committee hearing on “Examining Federal Science Agency Actions to Secure the U.S. Science and Technology Enterprise,” which addressed the balance between protecting the university research community from foreign interference while finding ways to ensure an environment free from bias and discrimination. The session brought together high-ranking officials and experts including Arati Prabhakar, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Dr. Rebecca Keiser, Chief of Research Security Strategy and Policy (NSF), Geri Richmond, Under Secretary for Science and Innovation (DOE), and Dr. Michael Lauer, Deputy Director for Extramural Research (NIH)….


OPPORTUNITY: FY 2025 Funding Request for NIH

COSSA, a member of the steering committee of the Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research, has signed on in support of a funding request of “at least $51.303 billion” for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in fiscal year (FY) 2025. The request would represent a $3.579 billion or 7.5% increase over the level included in the Senate bill for FY 2024. Other organizations wishing to lend their support to the NIH funding request for FY 2025 are encouraged to sign-on by March 1. 


February 2024 COSSA Headlines: Research Programs and Priorities of the National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Statistics

The 2024 Headlines series kicks off with a discussion about the research and data activities within the National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Statistics. Presenters Dr. Nancy La Vigne, Director, National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, DOJ Nancy La Vigne was appointed by President Biden as Director of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in March 2022. Dr. La Vigne’s research expertise ranges from policing and corrections reform to reentry from prison, criminal justice technologies and evidence-based criminal justice practices. Prior to joining NIJ, she served as executive director of the Council on Criminal Justice’s Task…


NEW ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Protect Science Funding in FY 2024!

Congress is working now to finalize spending legislation for fiscal year (FY) 2024. As lawmakers continue their negotiations it is critical that they hear from the social and behavioral science community. Write to your members of Congress TODAY and urge them to support the highest possible funding levels for federal science agencies in FY 2024! Don’t let funding for social and behavioral science research be left behind. For more details, follow COSSA’s FY 2024 coverage here. Visit COSSA’s TAKE ACTION page to send a quick message to your Senators and Representatives and tell them why they must protect science funding in FY 2024.


Advocacy Day Spotlight: Join the Next Informational Webinar

Did you miss our first Advocacy Day Informational Webinar? Is this your first Social Science Advocacy Day? Do you have questions or are you curious about what to expect from the event? Join us for our second informational webinar! We will be hosting another session to provide an overview of Advocacy Day, how to register, answer any questions, and more. This webinar will share the same information, so if you attended the first there is no need to attend the second. This is the final informational webinar we will be hosting for Social Science Advocacy Day.   The second session will…


NSF Releases Dear Colleague Letter Opportunity for Bias, Prejudice, and Discrimination

The Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) directorate within the National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) encouraging research dedicated to understanding and mitigating issues of bias, prejudice, and discrimination (BPD). The DCL highlights three interests for SBE programs, including investigations of BPD in under-studied populations, the effects of environmental factors on BPD, and the development and origins of BPD. A list of participating NSF programs can be found here. Any questions about the DCL should be directed to


AAPOR Awards Deadline Extended

The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) has extended their awards deadline to February 21. AAPOR has a portfolio of awards to recognize distinguished work in the profession, as well as to further the education of students and early career researchers. AAPOR is a COSSA governing member association and welcomes and encourages diversity in all aspects of the research profession, including their award nominees. Learn more about the different awards that are open for submissions here. Don’t wait to send in your nominations!


Advocacy Day Spotlight: Join an Informational Webinar

Is this your first Social Science Advocacy Day? Do you have questions or are you curious about what to expect from the event? Join us for one of our informational webinars! We will be hosting two sessions to provide an overview of Advocacy Day, how to register, answer any questions, and more. Both webinars will share the same information, so you will only need to attend one. The first session will take place on January 25, 2024 at 10am EST and the second session will be on February 13, 2024 at 3pm EST. Contact Elyse Bailey at with any additional questions.


Congress Narrowly Passes CR to Extend Funding to March

As reported by COSSA, Congress previously passed two stop-gap measures to allow additional time to complete the fiscal year (FY) 2024 appropriations bills. On January 18, the day before the last continuing resolution (CR) deadline, the House and Senate struck a deal to extend funding to March. Like the previous CR, the new stop-gap measure includes “tiered deadlines” for the unpassed spending bills. The deadline for the first tranche of bills (the Military Construction-VA, Agriculture, Energy-Water and Transportation-HUD bills) has been extended to March 1. The remaining bills (including Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Commerce, Justice Science, which…


2024 NIJ Research Conference: Advancing Justice Through Science

The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) is inviting submissions for lightning talks and research posters for their 2024 Research Conference: Advancing Justice Through Science. The conference will take place September 16-18 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. NIJ is welcoming proposals for 10-minute lightning talks on emerging issues and pioneering methods in research on safety and justice. Submissions for the poster session must focus on current issues and/or innovative methods that have an impact on the criminal or juvenile justice system in the United States and may involve social, behavioral, or forensic sciences; technology; and/or engineering. Eligibility for both opportunities is open to both…


Nominations Open for Distinguished Lecturer at the 17th Matilda White Riley Honors

The Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is accepting nominations for an outstanding social-behavioral scientist as candidates for Distinguished Lecturer at the 17th Matilda White Riley Honors. The Matilda White Riley Honors are an annual event recognizing transformative work in the fields of social and behavioral science along with early-career researchers. Nominees should have a research career that has “advanced behavioral and social scientific knowledge in areas within NIH’s mission and that expands upon Dr. White Riley’s work.” Nominees need not have NIH funding. More information is available on the OBSSR website. Nominee information should…


NSF Announces New ReDDDoT Program

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has launched the Responsible Design, Development, and Deployment of Technologies (ReDDDoT) program, calling for multidisciplinary, multi-sector teams to explore responsible technological innovation. This program aims to embed ethical, legal, and societal considerations into the lifecycle of technology development, with an emphasis on the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 goal of fostering partnerships across academia, industry, and non-profits (see previous COSSA coverage). With a budget of $16 million, subject to the availability of funds, the NSF anticipates making 28 to 36 awards through this program. If interested in participating, learn more here.


NIH Requests Comments on Strategic Plan for Data Science

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has issued a request for information (RFI) on their draft Strategic Plan for Data Science. As previously reported by COSSA, the NIH Strategic Plan for Data Science was initially released in 2018. The plan is intended to address advances in data collection, including the increase in quantity and diversity within data, and support data science as a tool for understanding health sciences. In the draft, NIH outlines five goals, including aims to improve NIH policy for data collection, maximize data for research, expand opportunities in data collection services, including artificial intelligence (AI), support a federal biomedical research data…


AAPSS Hosts Webinar: Civic Education in a Time of Democratic Crisis

On January 16, the American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS) hosted a webinar on “Civic Education in a Time of Democratic Crisis.” Esteemed panelists convened to address the pressing need for a revitalized approach to civic education. Amidst deep political division, the webinar underscored the critical need to revisit and enhance the teaching of government, philosophy, and civics within our educational institutions. The panelists collectively called for a nationwide public dialogue aimed at redefining the content and methodology of student engagement in civic education. They stressed the importance of incorporating diverse historical perspectives and fostering an environment conducive to civil…


Social Science Advocacy Day Informational Webinar #1

Curious about 2024 Social Science Advocacy Day? Do you have questions or want to know more about what to expect from the event? Join us for an informational webinar! We will be hosting a session to provide an overview of Advocacy Day, how to register, answer any questions, and more. Find the Zoom link below and come with your questions!


COSSA Remembers Science Champion Eddie Bernice Johnson

On New Year’s Eve, the scientific community lost one of its most dedicated champions. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-TX) represented the people of Dallas in Congress for 30 years, retiring at the end of 2022. Over those 15 terms in Congress, Johnson served as a member of the House Science, Space and Technology Committee, most recently serving as Chair. Johnson began her career as a nurse after being told that women could not be doctors. She rose through the ranks of the Veterans Administration hospital in Dallas, ultimately becoming chief psychiatric nurse. She became active in civil rights efforts and…