Search Results: AI

House Science Committee Holds Hearing on a Science and Technology Strategy

On March 1, the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology (SST) held a public hearing titled The United States, China, and the Fight for Global Leadership: Building a U.S. National Science and Technology Strategy. The hearing focused on the geopolitical competition between the U.S. and China as well as the development of a National Science and Technology Strategy, a framework mandated in the 2022 enacted CHIPS and Science Act that aims to make the U.S. more competitive technologically. Witnesses included Former Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier, President and CEO…


House Energy and Commerce Committee Holds Hearing on Data Privacy and Security

On March 1, the House Committee on Energy and Commerce held a hearing on data security, mass data collection, and the need to protect Americansā€™ privacy in the wake of resulting targeted ads and the vulnerability of consumer data. Salient points regarding the necessity for data security, with implications for researchers and anyone concerned about privacy standards were discussed at length.Ā  Witnesses included President and CEO of the Center for Democracy & Technology Alexandra Reeve Givens, Founder and Chief Product Officer of Anonym Graham Mudd, and Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor for Consumer Protection at Kelley Drye & Warren, LLP…


OSTP to Host Listening Sessions to Inform the Federal STEM Strategic Plan

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is hosting virtual listening sessions throughout March to inform development of the 2023-2028 Federal STEM Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan was first introduced in 2013 by the National Science and Technology Committee (NSTC) during the Obama Administration, and was continued by the Trump Administration in 2018 (previous COSSA coverage). The Strategic Plan is a five-year plan that seeks to improve STEM education and the workforce and is required by the America COMPETES Re-authorization Act of 2010. The listening sessions will be facilitated by the IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute…


OMB, Stakeholders Preparing for Changes to Race and Ethnicity Standards

As previously reported by COSSA, the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) is in the process of revising and modernizing their race and ethnicity standards that were last updated in 1997. The Interagency Technical Working Group on Race and Ethnicity Statistical Standards is hosting a series of Town Halls to receive feedback from the public on the initial proposals. The Town Halls are scheduled for Tuesday, March 14 at 2pm ET, Friday, March 17 at 2pm ET, and Saturday, March 18, at 2pm ET. Registration has not yet opened but will be available here. OMB will also record the sessions…


OSTP and BJS Requesting Feedback on Criminal Justice Statistics

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) within the Department of Justice have released a request for information regarding the collection of criminal justice data and statistics. The request seeks to inform the Biden Administrationā€™s practices on data collection, use, and transparency and will aim to identify how to provide guidance to law enforcement agencies. The request builds off of a previous Executive Order (E.O. 14074) on Advancing Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices to Enhance Public Trust and Public Safety. Comments will be accepted through March 30, 2023….


Science is US Report Shows Impact of STEM on U.S. Workforce

On March 1, Science is US released the People of Science report, an analysis of the impact of the STEM workforce on the U.S. economy. According to the report, 34.3 percent of the U.S. workforce engaged with STEM in some capacity in 2021, accounting for $9.45 trillion ā€“ or 40.5 percent ā€“ of U.S. GDP. The report defines the STEM workforce broadly as people who spend the vast majority of their job tasks engaging in science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine and includes a list of qualifying occupations that contributed to the STEM workforce. Among the listed occupations are social…


Economist Alan Blinder Wins AAPSS 2023 Moynihan Prize

The American Academy of Political and Social Science (AAPSS), a COSSA member, has announced the winner of the 2023 Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize, which annually recognizes ā€œa leading policymaker, social scientist, or public intellectual whose career demonstrates the value of using research and evidence to improve the human condition.ā€ This yearā€™s winner is Dr. Alan Blinder, a Professor of Economics and Public Affairs at Princeton University. Dr. Blinder is celebrated for his extensive and influential years of public service, including serving as a member of President Clintonā€™s Council of Economic Advisers and Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of…


COSSA Releases 2023 College & University Rankings for Social & Behavioral Science R&D Funding

On February 8, COSSA released its annual College and University Rankings for Federal Social and Behavioral Science R&D, which highlight the top university recipients of research dollars in the social and behavioral sciences. COSSA’s website also features a rankings dashboard with an interactive map of recipients of social and behavioral science R&D funding so you can see how your university stacks up among 533 U.S. institutions. Based on federally collected data, the COSSA rankings use an inclusive selection of fields representing the breadth of the social and behavioral sciences to calculate the total federal R&D funding received by universities in…


Early Bird Registration for Social Science Advocacy Day Ends March 3!

Join us in Washington, DC on April 24-25 for Social Science Advocacy Day and make your voice heard in support of social and behavioral science! Register before March 3 to receive the Early Bird rate of $95. After March 3, the registration rate increases to $125. Students are always eligible to register for $50. Registration fees are nonrefundable but may be transferred to another person if you are unable to participate. More information is available here.


118th Congress: Profile of the House Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Subcommittee

House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) is among the most important committees to the scientific community. The CJS subcommittee is responsible for crafting annual funding legislation for the National Science Foundation (NSF), Department of Justice (DOJ), Census Bureau, and several other science and statical agencies.   As previously reported, full Appropriations Committee Chairwoman Kay Granger (R-TX) announced Republican subcommittee appointments last month. Rep. Harold ā€œHalā€ Rogers (R-KY) has taken over as CJS Subcommittee Chair; Rogers formerly served as chairman of the full Appropriations Committee from 2011-2016. The Republican subcommittee roster includes two freshman members, Reps….


House Science Committee Approves Authorization and Oversight Plan

The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee held a hearing on February 8 to organize and establish the committee rules. The hearing was also used to review and accept the committeeā€™s Authorization and Oversight Plan for the new term. The Authorization and Oversight Plan details the committeeā€™s rules, authorizations, and priorities. Among the planā€™s priorities include reauthorizations of several federal agencies and oversight of recently enacted bills, including the CHIPS and Science Act (previous COSSA coverage). The plan prioritizes research, notably with a focus on STEM, and the protection of research from foreign theft. The House Science Committee acknowledged the…


ICYMI: President Bidenā€™s State of the Union Address

On February 7, President Biden held the annual State of the Union Address. Biden celebrated his Administrationā€™s success during the previous term and signaled the Administrationā€™s future goals. These goals include advancing gun safety laws, while also recognizing the historical Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, and reforming law enforcement through providing more training for police officers, with an emphasis on equity and violence prevention training, and more resources to programs that handle mental health issues and drug addiction. President Biden also recognized the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act and the creation of the Advanced Projects Research Agency for Health…


NIJ To Host National Research Conference Focused on Research Evidence

The National Institute of Justice has opened registration for a national research conference, From Evidence to Action: Harnessing Research to Promote Safety and Evidence, which will take place May 23-25 in Arlington, Virginia. NIJ is welcoming poster abstract proposals for the conference that detail how research evidence has influenced policy and practice. Expected topics include law enforcement, corrections, forensic science, courts, juvenile justice, victims of crime, and equitable research strategies. NIJ will also educate attendees on the process of securing NIJ grant awards. The conference is available to all participants for free and registration is open here.


NSF Introduces New Accelerating Research Translation Program

The Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships (TIP) at the National Science Foundation (NSF) has introduced a brand new research program called Accelerating Research Translation (ART), which aims to advance research capacity to translate academic findings into public impacts. Through the ART program, the NSF is seeking to enlarge the capacity and pace of translational research at U.S. institutions of higher education which will transform research discoveries into tangible solutions benefitting the public. Rather than supporting institutions whose translational research activity is already in full swing, the ART program is intended to fund research which would build infrastructure, provide training…


National Academies Release Report on Antiracism in Science Organizations

On February 14, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) held a webinar marking the release of a report on Advancing Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in STEMM Organizations. The report aims to identify structural barriers to participation in science, technology, engineering, math, and medicine (STEMM) by minoritized individuals and provides recommendations on how the scientific community can instigate meaningful changes to remove these barriers and instill principles of antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion (ADEI). The report offers the following recommendations to the scientific community: The report can be read in full on the NASEM website.


Registration Open for In-Person Social Science Advocacy Day on April 24-25

You will be teamed up with advocates from your home state and participate in a day of in-person meetings (Tuesday, April 25) with House and Senate offices on Capitol Hill. Through these meetings, you will share reasons why federal government support for social and behavioral science research is so critical and discuss how you and your institution can be helpful to your elected officials. Advocates will be given all the resources they need to have successful meetings. This fun, informative event is a must for anyone within the social and behavioral science community who cares about sustainable funding for our…


Civil Engineers & Applied Behavioral Scientists Answer “Why Social Science” Can Make Workplaces Safer


118th Congress: Profile of the House Labor, HHS, Education Appropriations Subcommittee

As its name suggests, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) is responsible for crafting funding legislation for the Departments of Education (ED), Health and Human Services (HHS), including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and Labor (DOL), as well as other independent agencies like the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the National Council on Disability. The LHHS Subcommittee is one of the most sought-after appointments in the House. In recent weeks, Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX), Chair of the full House Appropriations Committee, announced Republican subcommittee appointments. Rep. Robert Aderholt…


Nelson to Depart OSTP Post

Dr. Alondra Nelson, Deputy Director for Science and Society at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is stepping down from her position and returning to academia effective February 10, according to reports. Nelson was appointed to the newly-created position by then-President-elect Biden in January 2021. A large focus of her work has been on advancing equity in science and using science to inform more equitable policies for the public good. She also served as acting director of OSTP for several months following the departure of Eric Lander in February 2022 amid reports of workplace bullying. In…


OMB Requests Comments on Initial Proposals for Modernizing Race and Ethnicity Collection

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has requested comments on their initial proposal for modernizing the collection of race and ethnicity data across the Federal government. The request is a part of a series of ongoing revisions that were announced in June 2022, and were informed by OMB listening sessions to gain public input on the process (previously reported by COSSA). The comment request, coordinated by the Federal Interagency Technical Working Group on Race and Ethnicity Standards within OMB, is intended as a response to calls for expanding options within race and ethnicity data collection to account for diversity,…