Revisions #1 - 125397_washington update

A staple since COSSAā€™s earliest days, the biweekly COSSA Washington Update newsletter provides members and the public with comprehensive coverage of policy developments impacting social and behavioral science research.Ā 

Community Launches the Alliance for Integrative Approaches to Extreme Environmental Events

The framework for an informal public-private partnership, involving a wide array of partner-stakeholders focused on reducing societal harm from extreme environmental events, was announced today, Jan. 24, 2017, during the Annual Meeting of the American Meteorological Society in Seattle, Washington. Known as The Alliance for Integrative Approaches to Extreme Environmental Events, this community-initiated and community-governed framework will bring together a broad group of collaboratorsā€“ including researchers, operational practitioners, federal agencies including the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, non-profit organizations, philanthropists and entrepreneurs ā€“ to improve holistic understanding, prediction of and response to severe and hazardous weather. In addition, the Alliance…

Funding Opportunity Announcements

NCI/NBIB: NCI Perception and Cognition Research to Inform Cancer Image Interpretation (R21) (PAR-17-124), (R01) (PAR-17-125) NCI: Reducing Overscreening for Breast, Cervical, and Colorectal Cancers among Older Adults (R21) (PA-17-109), (R01) (PA-17-110) NIA: Development of Socially-Assistive Robots (SARs) to Engage Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and AD-Related Dementias (ADRD), and their Caregivers (R41/R42) (PAR-17-107), (R43/R44) (PAR-17-108) NIA: Juvenile Protective Factors and Their Effects on Aging (R01) (PAR-17-126), (R03) (PAR-17-127) NIDA/NIAAA: Basic Mechanisms of Brain Development Mediating Substance Use and Dependence (R01) (PA-17-119) NIDA: Neuroscience Research on Drug Abuse (R01) (PA-17-111), (R21) (PA-17-112) NIDA: NIDA Core “Center of Excellence” Grant Program (P30)…

Events Calendar

Webinar: Social Science in the Age of Trump: What Weā€™d Like to See, February 9, 2017, 12:00 p.m. (EST) AERA Centennial Lecture: Deborah Lowe Vandell – The Opportunities and Challenges of Early Child Care and Education, Feburary 22, 2017, Oklahoma City, OK American Psychosomatic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, March 15-18, 2017, Seville, Spain Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, March 16-19, 2017, Toronto, Canada Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Annual Meeting, March 21-25, 2017, Kansas City, MO COSSA 2017 Science Policy Conference & Social Science Advocacy Day, March 29-30, 2017, Washington, DC Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, March 29-April…

COSSA Washington Update, Volume 36 Issue 1

Featured News From the Executive Director COSSA in Action Early Bird Registration Open for 2017 COSSA Science Policy Conference & Social Science Advocacy Day COSSA Issues Recommendations to the Incoming Trump Administration COSSA Releases State Funding Fact Sheets for 2017 Congressional News A Profile of the 115th Congress House and Senate Committees Take Shape Innovation Legislation Signed into Law Federal Agency & Administration News Congressman Mick Mulvaney Nominated for OMB Director Census Bureau Establishes 2020 Advisory Committee, Calls for Nominations National Library of Medicine Seeks Input into Strategic Planning Process Federal Agencies Clarify Programmatic Goals and Specific Interests for Multiscale…

From the Executive Director

Happy New Year! I am pleased with all that we were able to accomplish over the last year as we worked to protect and promote social and behavioral science research to policy makers and the public. But heading into this new chapter in Washington, it is important that we do not rest on our laurels. Given all of the unknowns about the year ahead and what the new political context might mean for social science research, now is the time for anyone who cares about our research to engage. COSSA has been busy organizing several activities and events for this…

Early Bird Registration Open for 2017 COSSA Science Policy Conference & Social Science Advocacy Day

Registration is now open for the 2017 COSSA Science Policy Conference and Social Science Advocacy Day, scheduled for March 29-30 in Washington, DC. This event (formerly the COSSA Annual Meeting) brings together COSSA members and other stakeholders for a day of discussion about federal policy impacting our science followed by the only annual, coordinated advocacy day in support of all of the social and behavioral sciences. Come be part of the action. Register before January 15 to receive the early bird rate. Information on discounted student rates and confirmed speakers will be released in the coming weeks. Register today! Back…

COSSA Issues Recommendations to the Incoming Trump Administration

Before the holiday break, COSSA transmitted a report to the Trump transition team, Social and Behavioral Science Research: Ten Recommendations for the 45th President of the United States. The report outlines a number of steps the next Administration can take to support the U.S. research enterprise and use social science research in support of evidence-based policy making. This document can also be helpful in outreach to policy makers in Congress as well. The document is available on the COSSA website at Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

COSSA Releases State Funding Fact Sheets for 2017

COSSA has released the 2017 edition of its state funding fact sheets with a new look. These one-pagers showcase the amount of federal social science research funding that goes to each state, and includes information on the leading recipient institutions and sources of funding. The fact sheets are helpful for articulating to policy makers the local economic impact of social science research funding. The fact sheets are available on the COSSA website at Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

A Profile of the 115th Congress

The 115th Congress was officially sworn in on January 3. The new Congress includes a freshman class of 53 Representatives (26 Republicans and 27 Democrats) and 6 Senators (1 Republican and 5 Democrats). Republicans maintained majorities in both chambers following the November elections, but with smaller margins than in the 114th Congress. The party alignment in the House currently stands at 241 Republicans and 194 Democrats, compared to the Republican majority of 249 in the 114th Congress. The party alignment in the Senate stands at 52 Republicans and 48 Democrats (the two Senate Independents caucus with the Democrats), compared to…

House and Senate Committees Take Shape

Several committee chairs and ranking members have been announced in recent weeks, including for committees and subcommittees overseeing funding and policy issues important to social and behavioral science research. These appointments will have important impacts on the priorities and activities of the committees over the next year. A few notable appointments known so far: House Appropriations Committee Chairman: Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ) (press release) Ranking Member: Nita Lowey (D-NY), reappointed Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science Chairman: John Culberson (R-TX), reappointed Ranking Member: TBD Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Chairman: Tom Cole (R-OK), reappointed Ranking Member: Rosa DeLauro (D-CT),…

Innovation Legislation Signed into Law

As previously reported, lawmakers worked in the final weeks of 2016 to find common ground on research innovation legislation, known as the American Innovation and Competitiveness Act (S. 3084), before adjourning for the year. The bill passed the Senate in early December, but did not get a House vote before lawmakers headed home for the holidays. However, given that the House had not yet officially adjourned for the year, the bill was quietly passed on December 16 in pro forma session along with a number of other bills under suspension of the rules. President Obama signed the bill into law…

Congressman Mick Mulvaney Nominated for OMB Director

On December 16, President-elect Donald Trump nominated Congressman Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) to serve as the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) in the Trump Administration. Mulvaney made a name for himself during his three terms in the House as an outspoken opponent of government spending. OMB serves as the implementation and enforcement arm of Presidential policy through budget development, oversight of agency performance, legislative coordination, and oversight of executive orders. If confirmed by the Senate, Mulvaney will have broad responsibilities implementing President-elect Trumpā€™s agenda, including a central role in health care and tax policy changes, as well…

Census Bureau Establishes 2020 Advisory Committee, Calls for Nominations

The Census Bureau announced the establishment of a Census Bureau 2020 Advisory Committee, which will provide expertise and advice to Bureau leadership on matters related to the planning and implementation of the 2020 decennial census. The Bureau is seeking nominations to fill the 25-member Committee, particularly candidates with expertise related to ā€œdiverse populations; national, state, local and tribal interest; hard-to-count populations; research; community-based organizations; academia; business interests; marketing and media industries; and professional associations.ā€ More information is available in the Federal Register notice. Nominations must be submitted by January 19, 2017. Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

National Library of Medicine Seeks Input into Strategic Planning Process

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is seeking input into its strategic planning process and has issued a Request for Information (RFI): Strategic Plan for the National Library of Medicine, NIH (NOT-LM-7-002). Priorities and future direction under consideration by the Institute revolve around four themes: (1) advancing data science, open science, and biomedical informatics; (2) advancing biomedical discovery and translational science; (3) supporting the publicā€™s health: clinical systems, public health systems and services, and personal health; and (4) building collections to support discovery and health in the 21st century. Specifically, NLM is inviting…

Federal Agencies Clarify Programmatic Goals and Specific Interests for Multiscale Modeling Initiative

In December 2016, seven federal agencies–National Institutes of Health (NIH), U.S. Army Research Office (ARO), Department of Energy (DOE), U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), National Science Foundation (NSF), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR)–released a notice (NOT-EB-16-011) clarifying the programmatic goals and specific interests of the interagency funding opportunity announcement Predictive Multiscale Models for Biomedical, Biological, Behavioral, Environmental and Clinical Research (PAR-15-085).Ā  See the notice for full details. Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

COSSA Remembers Stephen Fienberg

COSSA was saddened to learn of the death of Stephen E. Fienberg, University Professor of Statistics and Social Science at Carnegie Mellon University, member of the National Academy of Sciences, and a champion of federal statistics. More about Fienbergā€™s life and legacy can be found in his Carnegie Mellon News obituary. Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

Funding Opportunity Announcements

ED/OPE: Fulbright-Hays–Group Projects Abroad Program, FY 2017 NIJ: Research on Bias Crimes (NIJ-2017-11184) NIH Opportunities: FIC: Planning for Non-Communicable Diseases and Disorders Research Training Programs in Low and Middle Income Countries (D71) (PAR-17-097) NIDA/NIMH: Implementation Science for the Prevention and Treatment of Mental and/or Substance use Disorders in Low- and Middle-income Countries (U01) (RFA-MH-17-650) NIGMS: Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (R35) (PAR-17-094) NIH: Administrative Supplements for Research on Sexual and Gender Minority (SGM) Populations (Admin Supp) (PA-17-098) [NCATS, NCCIH, NCI, NHGRI, NIA, NIAAA, NIAID, NIAMS, NIDA, NIDCD, NIDCR, NIMH, NIMHD, NINR, OAR, ODP, ORWH] NIH: Jointly Sponsored Ruth L. Kirschstein National…

National Communication Association Announces Next Executive Director

The National Communication Association (NCA), a COSSA Governing Member, has announced the appointment of Dr. Paaige K. Turner as its next Executive Director. Turner is currently Associate Dean and Professor in the School of Communications at Webster University in St. Louis. She will begin her tenure at NCA on April 1. Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

AERA Extends Deadline for Congressional Fellowships

The American Educational Research Association (AERA), a COSSA Governing Member, has extended the deadline for the 2017-2018 Congressional Fellowship Program. Applications are due January 17, 2017 for fellowships that run from September 1, 2017 through August 31, 2018. The fellowship aims to ā€œuse education research skills to inform public policy in a Congressional office in Washington, D.C.ā€ Interested candidates can apply here. Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

Events Calendar

AERA Centennial Lecture: Bridget Terry LongĀ – Supporting College Student Access and Success, January 11, 2017, Los Angeles, CA Society for Social Work and Research Annual Meeting, January 11-15, 2017, San Francisco, CA Southern Political Science Association Annual Meeting, January 12-14, 2017, New Orleans, LA Society for Personality and Social Psychology Annual Convention, January 19-21, 2017, San Antonio, TX AERA Centennial Lecture: Deborah Lowe Vandell – The Opportunities and Challenges of Early Child Care and Education, Feburary 22, 2017, Oklahoma City, OK American Psychosomatic Society Annual Scientific Meeting, March 15-18, 2017, Seville, Spain Association for Asian Studies Annual Conference, March 16-19,…


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