Congress Works to Complete Appropriations as Scheduled; House-CJS Bill Postponed to Late June

As August recess and the looming November elections rapidly approach, Congress is working on the appropriations process as scheduled. While there has been no movement in the Senate on appropriations bills beyond budget hearings, the House Appropriations committee released a preliminary schedule in May that they have been following closely (see previous COSSA coverage). As expected, the House Appropriations subcommittees for the Legislative Branch, State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, and Defense bills have progressed as expected with mark-ups. Further, the House has already passed the Military Construction, Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Bill in full-committee. As previously reported, the House intended to mark-up the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) Bill in subcommittee on June 12 but have since postponed the review to June 26 due to a scheduling conflict, but the full-committee mark-up is still scheduled for July 9. The House still expects to mark-up the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies (LHHS) Bill June 27 with full-committee mark-ups scheduled for July 10. The schedule can be found here and is routinely updated by House Appropriations staff.

Stay tuned to COSSA’s continued coverage of the FY 2025 budget process.


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