Revisions #1 - 125397_washington update

A staple since COSSAā€™s earliest days, the biweekly COSSA Washington Update newsletter provides members and the public with comprehensive coverage of policy developments impacting social and behavioral science research.Ā 

Coalition to Promote Research Launches Petition Drive: ā€œAdvancing Principles of Scientific Stewardshipā€

On June 12, the Coalition to Promote ResearchĀ (CPR), which is co-led by COSSA and the American Psychological Association (a COSSA member), launched a petition drive, Advancing Principles of Scientific Stewardship. The effort is designed to make evident the support of the general public as well as the scientific community for Americaā€™s premier federal research enterprise, including the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The organizers hope to showcase the enormous unseen support for the peer/merit review process. The CPR petition highlights the general publicā€™s and scientific communityā€™s recognition that ā€œEffective policy planning and appropriate, stable…

AAPOR Report Assesses 2016 Election Polling Performance

After Donald Trumpā€™s surprise win in the 2016 election, the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), a COSSA governing member, convened a committee to review the performance of pre-election polling (AAPOR has convened such committees after the past several elections). The committee, chaired by Courtney Kennedy of the Pew Research Center, recently released An Evaluation of 2016 Election Polls in the U.S., outlining its findings and recommendations. According to the committee, ā€œWhile the general public reaction [to the election result] was that ā€˜the polls failed,ā€™ we found the reality to be more complex ā€“ a position held by a…

CJRA and COSSA to Host ā€œAsk a Criminologistā€ Panel on Technology and Policing

The Crime & Justice Research Alliance (CJRA) (a collaborative effort of the Academy of Criminal Justice Science and the American Society of Criminology, both COSSA members) and COSSA will be hosting the second in a series of ā€œAsk a Criminologistā€ Congressional briefings on Wednesday, June 21. This interactive event will feature criminologist experts who will provide an overview of research on the latest technologies police are using across the country. Experts include CJRA Chair Dr. Nancy La Vigne of The Urban Institute, Dr. Cynthia Lum of George Mason University, Dr. Eric Piza of John Jay College, and Eddie Reyes of…

Funding Opportunity Announcements

IES: Education Research Grants (FY 2018) (CFDA 84.305A) IES: Partnerships and Collaborations Focused on Problems of Practice or Policy (FY 2018) (CFDA 84.305H) IES: Low-Cost, Short-Duration Evaluation of Education Interventions (FY 2018) (CFDA 84.305L) IES: Special Education Research Grants (FY 2018) (CFDA 84.324A) IES: Research Training Programs in Special Education (FY 2018) (CFDA 84.324B) IES: Low-Cost, Short-Duration Evaluation of Special Education Interventions (FY 2018) (CFDA 84.324L) IES: Research Networks Focused on Critical Problems of Education Policy and Practice in Special Education (FY 2018) (CFDA 84.324N) Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

Events Calendar

Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, June 20-23, 2017, Mexico City, Mexico Ask a Criminologist Congressional Briefing:Ā New Policing Technologies: What Are the Impacts to Public Safety and Civil Liberties?Ā June 21, 2017, Washington, DC Supporting Educational Achievement with Innovations Outside the Classroom: The Lunch @ DC with Chloe Gibbs, June 23, 2017, Washington, DC Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Annual Meeting, June 23-25, 2017, Albuquerque, NM Hotspot Policing: Results from Colombia ā€“ The Lunch @ DC with Don Green, July 6, 2017, Washington, DC How Evidence Can Transform the Fight Against Poverty ā€“ The Lunch @ DC with…

COSSA Washington Update, Volume 36 Issue 11

Featured News COSSA Releases Analysis of the Trump Administrationā€™s FY 2018 Budget Request COSSA in Action The American Academy of Arts & Sciences Answers ā€œWhy Social Science?ā€ COSSA Joins Scientific Societies in Raising Concerns with Visa Changes Congressional News House Science Committee Holds Hearing on Overhead Costs of Research House Appropriations Subcommittee Holds Oversight Hearing on Advances in Biomedical Research Federal Agency & Administration News EPA Advisory Board Accepting Nominations Library of Congress Releases Digital Records to Public and Researchers Publications & Community Events Letters Urge Congressional Leaders to Support Research Agencies Funding Opportunity Announcements Events Calendar

COSSA Releases Analysis of the Trump Administrationā€™s FY 2018 Budget Request

The Trump Administration released its fiscal year (FY) 2018 budget request on May 23. The budget seeks dramatic reductions totaling $3.6 trillion across nearly every department of the federal government, including most science and research agencies. COSSA has prepared an in-depth analysis of the FY 2018 budget request, which includes details on the President’s proposals for the dozens of departments, agencies, and programs of interest to social and behavioral science researchers. The release of the Presidentā€™s budget request marks the official start of the FY 2018 appropriations process, though some Congressional committees have already begun holding their oversight hearings even…

The American Academy of Arts & Sciences Answers ā€œWhy Social Science?ā€

This week’s Why Social Science? guest post comes from John Tessitore, Senior Program Advisor at the American Academy of Arts & Sciences, who writes about how findings from the social sciences helped inform the Academy’s recent report, “Americaā€™s Languages: Investing in Language Education in the 21st Century.” Read it here and subscribe. Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

COSSA Joins Scientific Societies in Raising Concerns with Visa Changes

COSSA joined 54 scientific societies on a letter to the White House Office of Management and Budget and the Bureau of Consular Affairs at the Department of State raising concerns about the proposed supplemental questions for visa applicants. The letter discusses the communityā€™s concerns about a possible chilling effect on international travelers to the United States, which would negatively impact U.S. higher education and scientific collaborations. The signatories also raise concerns about the lack of clarity on which visa applicants would be affected, that social media information would be collected, and that the burden of this proposed change would be…

Letters Urge Congressional Leaders to Support Research Agencies

COSSA joined dozens of scientific societies and research universities on a letter to Congressional leaders, sent on May 24, urging them to reject the Trump Administrationā€™s proposed cuts to science agencies including the National Institutes of Health, National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Department of Agriculture, and more. Similarly, in a Dear Colleague letter sent to the Chair and Ranking Member of the Appropriations Subcommittee responsible for the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations bill, 29 Senators expressed their support for the National Science Foundation. The letter calls for the National Science Foundation to receive at least $8 billion in fiscal year…

House Science Committee Holds Hearing on Overhead Costs of Research

The Subcommittee on Research and Technology and the Subcommittee on Oversight of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology co-hosted a hearing on the overhead costs of research on May 24. The focus of the hearing was the indirect costs incurred from research, reimbursed by the government as part of research grant awards. The subcommittees primarily discussed the indirect costs from awards made by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Witnesses included Dale Bell from the Division of Institution and Award Support at NSF; John Newmann of the Government Accountability Office; James Luther, Vice President for Finance and Compliance at…

EPA Advisory Board Accepting Nominations

The Environmental Protection Agencyā€™s (EPA) Board of Scientific Counselors (BOSC) is accepting nominations for new members. The BOSC advises the EPAā€™s Office of Research and Development on technical and management issues related to its research programs: Air, Climate, and Energy; Chemical Safety for Sustainability; Human Health Risk Assessment; Homeland Security; Safe and Sustainable Water Resources; and Sustainable and Healthy Communities. EPA is seeking nominees with expertise in the following fields (among others): climate/global change, public health, exposure science, risk assessment, sustainability, science policy, program evaluation, social science, behavioral science, and decision science. Nominations are due by June 30, 2017. More…

Library of Congress Releases Digital Records to Public and Researchers

The U.S. Library of Congress recently announced that it is making the largest release of records (25 million) in the libraryā€™s history accessible online through free bulk downloads and on The Library is the main research body for the U.S. Congress and home of the U.S. Copyright Office. The new dataset comprises more than 45 years (1968-2014) of information, including books, serials, computer files, manuscripts, maps, music, and visual materials.Ā The records, until now, have only been available through a paid subscription or on an individual basis. Announcing the dataā€™s availability, the Library notes that ā€œthe rich data included in…

Events Calendar

American Evaluation Association Summer Institute: Finding Your Pathway in Evaluation, June 4-7, 2017, Atlanta, GA Graduate Training in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: A Public Workshop, June 8-9, 2017, Washington, DC Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, June 20-23, 2017, Mexico City, Mexico Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues Annual Meeting, June 23-25, 2017, Albuquerque, NM Rural Sociological Society Annual Meeting, July 27-30, 2017, Columbus, OH Joint Statistical Meetings, July 28-August 3, 2017, Baltimore, MD A list of COSSA members’ annual meetings and other events can be found on the COSSA events page. COSSA members who have an…

House Appropriations Subcommittee Holds Oversight Hearing on Advances in Biomedical Research

On May 17, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (LHHS) held an oversight hearing to discuss the advances in biomedical research by the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH Director Francis Collins was accompanied by Institute directors Anthony Fauci (Allergy and Infectious Diseases), Gary Gibbons (Heart, Lung, and Blood), Joshua Gordon (Mental Health), Doug Lowy (Cancer), and Nora Volkow (Drug Abuse). Welcoming the agency before the Subcommittee, Chairman Tom Cole (R-OK) noted that ā€œinvestment in NIH has been the key driver in making the United States the world leader of biomedical research…

Funding Opportunity Announcements

AHRQ: National Research Service Award (NRSA) Institutional Research Training Grant (T32) (RFA-HS-17-011)\ NIH Opportunities: NIA: Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Centers (P30) (RFA-AG-18-007) NIA: NIA Academic Leadership Career Award (K07) (PAR-17-287) NIA: NIA MSTEM: Advancing Diversity in Aging Research through Undergraduate Education (R25) (PAR-17-290) NIH: Addressing Suicide Research Gaps: Understanding Mortality Outcomes (R01) (RFA-MH-18-410) [NIMH, NCCIH, NIDA, NIMHD] NCI: U.S. Tobacco Control Policies to Reduce Health Disparities (R01) (PAR-17-217), (R21) (PAR-17-218) NCI: Leveraging Population-based Cancer Registry Data to Study Health Disparities (R21) (PA-17-288), (R01) (PA-17-289) NIAAA: Specialized Alcohol Research Centers (P50) (RFA-AA-18-001) NCCIH: Behavioral Interventions for Prevention of Opioid…

COSSA Washington Update, Volume 36 Issue 10

Featured News Census Bureau Director Resigns, Complicating Outlook for 2020 Decennial COSSA in Action Why Social Science? Highlights Paul Milgromā€™s Auction Research COSSA Joins Community in Urging Increased Allocation for Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Bill Federal Agency & Administration News NIH Announces Major Policy Shift: Agency to Impose Cap on R01s Held by Grantees Presidentā€™s Complete Budget Request Expected May 23 Gopal Khanna Named AHRQ Director HHS Seeks Nominations for Advisory Council on Alzheimerā€™s Research, Care, and Services Publications & Community Events National Security Decadal Survey Issues Second Call for White Papers National Academies Publishes K-12 Behavioral and…

Census Bureau Director Resigns, Complicating Outlook for 2020 Decennial

On May 9, John Thompson announced his plans to step down as Director of the Census Bureau effective June 30. Thompsonā€™s resignation comes at a critical time for the Bureau as it ramps up its activities ahead of the 2020 Census and continues to face periodic threats to the American Community Survey. So far, no details have emerged about a potential replacement. The Deputy Director position at the Bureau has been vacant since Nancy Potok left to become Chief Statistician of the United States in January. No reason was given for Thompsonā€™s departure in the middle of a year-long extension…

Why Social Science? Highlights Paul Milgromā€™s Auction Research

The most recent Why Social Science? post highlights a recent opinion piece published in The Hill by Paul Milgrom, a Stanford economist whose groundbreaking research in auction design is used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to auction electromagnetic spectrum to companies, generating billions in revenue for the federal government. Read it here and subscribe. Back to this issueā€™s table of contents.

COSSA Joins Community in Urging Increased Allocation for Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Bill

COSSA joined nearly 800 organizational stakeholders of the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education and Related Agencies (Labor-HHS) appropriations bill in a letter to the Appropriations leadership urging it to increase the fiscal year (FY) 2018 302(b) allocation, which is the committeeā€™s funding cap on spending for each of the appropriation bills. While the letter acknowledges the Subcommitteeā€™s ā€œbroad range of constituencies and needs,ā€ it also recognizes that the programs funded under the Labor-HHS bill ā€œare continually short-changed in the annual appropriations process.ā€ Accordingly, the scientific community emphasizes that ā€œwithout an increase in the Labor-HHS 302(b) allocation,…


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