House Oversight Committee Holds Hearing on Government Influence Over Scientific Journals

The House Committee on Oversight and Accountability’s Select Committee on the Coronavirus held a hearing on Academic Malpractice: Examining the Relationship Between Scientific Journals, the Government, and Peer Review with Dr. Holden Thorp, the Editor-in-Chief of the journal Science. Thorp was one of several individuals invited to testify but the only one to attend. During the opening remarks for the hearing, Chair Dr. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) described the relationship between scientific journals and the government during the coronavirus pandemic as a negative source of government and political influence on scientific research. However, Dr. Thorp reiterated the in-depth process of developing scientific journals, including the extensive peer review process, and expressed a commitment to releasing research that is informed and clear to avoid misinformation on important topics, such as the coronavirus pandemic. The hearing largely focused on the importance of trust in science, combatting misinformation, and mitigating harm.

A recording of the hearing can be found here


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