COSSA Marks One Year of CHIPS and Science Act
August 9 marked the one year anniversary of enactment of the CHIPS and Science Act (P.L. 117-167), sweeping legislation aimed at reinvestment in and advancement of the U.S. scientific enterprise. Countless activities have ensued since passage of the landmark bill, such as the creation of the new Technology, Innovation and Partnership (TIP) Directorate at the National Science Foundation, efforts to address research security, research integrity and broadening participation in science, and new federal investments in key technology areas, such as artificial intelligence.

Another critical feature of the law was the inclusion of ambitious funding targets for federal science agencies. However, as with all “authorization” bills, funding needs to be provided through the annual appropriations process in order for those funding targets to be realized. As COSSA has been reporting (see related articles), fiscal year (FY) 2024 is likely to be a tough one for all accounts on the discretionary side of the ledger, due to efforts in the House to significantly scale back funding. Our work as a community on CHIPS and Science is not done – it is vital that the scientific community continue to push for the funding levels envisioned in the law and urge policymakers to make science a priority this year and every year. Visit COSSA’s Action Center to contact your elected officials today.