CHIPS and Science Act

The CHIPS and Science Act

House Science Committee Unanimously Passes Bill to Update Research Security Language in CHIPS & Science Act

On September 9, the House or Representatives passed a bill to clarify language regarding research security in theĀ CHIPS & Science ActĀ enacted in 2022 (see previous COSSA coverage).Ā H.R. 7686, led by Representative Mike Garcia (R-CA) and co-led by Representative Haley Stevens (D-MI), seeks to protect university funding from foreign adversaries through clarifying the definition of ā€œmalign foreign talent recruitment programs.ā€ Chairman Frank Lucas (R-OK) supported the bill, citing that ā€œresearch theft is one of the single greatest threats to our competitiveness as a nationā€ with Ranking Member Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) agreeing that the bill ā€œreflects our committeeā€™s good faith deliberations around…

NSF, NSB Want to Hear Your Thoughts on Merit Review Process

In recent weeks, the National Science Board (NSB), the governing and oversight body of the National Science Foundation (NSF), has issued aĀ Dear Colleague letterĀ requesting public input into the Boardā€™s ongoing review of NSFā€™s merit review criteria and process. As previously reported, theĀ NSB-NSF Commission on Merit Review (MRX)Ā was formed following passage of theĀ CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, which required NSF to commission a review of how ā€œbroader impactsā€ criterion are being applied in the merit review process across the agency. The NSB chose to broaden the review to the entire merit review process, which has not had a holistic look…

NSF Establishes Research Security Center

Last month, the National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the establishment of the Safeguarding the Entire Community of the U.S. Research Ecosystem (SECURE) center. According to an NSF press release, the new entity, led by the University of Washington in collaboration with several institutions, ā€œwill serve as a clearinghouse for information to empower the research community to identify and mitigate foreign interference that poses risks to the U.S. research enterprise. The SECURE Center will share information and reports on research security risks, provide training on research security to the science and engineering community and serve as a bridge between the research community and…

White House Issues Research Security Guidelines to Agencies and ā€˜Covered Institutionsā€™

On July 9, the Biden Administration issued a memorandum on Guidelines for Research Security Programs at Covered Institutions. The document provides guidance to federal research agencies as they implement research security certification requirements set by National Security Presidential Memorandum (NSPM)-33, the hallmark research security policy that has been in development since early 2021, and the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022. Under these acts, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is responsible for ā€œdeveloping a ā€˜standardized requirementā€™ for ā€˜uniform implementationā€™ across federal research agencies.ā€ This latest memo serves as that standardized requirement.  Informed by input received from inside and outside the…

OSTP Seeks Input for Safe STEM Environments

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is inviting feedback to help the Interagency Working Group on Safe and Inclusive STEM Environments (IWG-SISE) develop policies aimed at reducing sex-based and sexual harassment in federally funded STEM research. This initiative, in response to the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 (see previous COSSA coverage), focuses on improving safety for principal investigators, research staff, and students. The OSTP and IWG-SISE are looking for contributions from students, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, researchers, and administratorsā€”anyone impacted by harassment in STEM spaces. The aim is to inform guidelines that address and mitigate harassment issues effectively….

SBE Releases Dear Colleague Letter Encouraging EPSCoR Submissions

The Directorate for Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences (SBE) housed within the National Science Foundation (NSF) has released a Dear Colleague Letter encouraging submissions to already established NSF funding opportunities from the Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR). EPSCoR was developed to target specific areas in the U.S. with increased opportunity to study and join the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) workforce to improve geographic and institutional diversity. As directed by the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, NSF is in the process of dedicating more funding towards the EPSCoR jurisdictions. The letter reaffirms SBEā€™s commitment to support research in the social and…

NSF Announces New ReDDDoT Program

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has launched the Responsible Design, Development, and Deployment of Technologies (ReDDDoT) program, calling for multidisciplinary, multi-sector teams to explore responsible technological innovation. This program aims to embed ethical, legal, and societal considerations into the lifecycle of technology development, with an emphasis on the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022 goal of fostering partnerships across academia, industry, and non-profits (see previous COSSA coverage). With a budget of $16 million, subject to the availability of funds, the NSF anticipates making 28 to 36 awards through this program. If interested in participating, learn more here.

Biden Administration Designates Regional Innovation and Technology Hubs Program

On October 23, President Biden announced the designation of the inaugural 31 Tech Hubs program, as well as recipients of 29 Tech Hubs Strategy Development Grants. As part of the CHIPS and Science Act (see previous COSSA coverage), this program aims to establish and support regional innovation centers, fostering growth and technological advancement across various regions. Each hub will utilize the unique strengths of its community and regional industry to build and scale their respective Innovation and Technology Hub. Additionally, numerous organizations throughout the country will receive Strategy Development Grants to strengthen their capabilities, with potential for future hub designation. The program represents a comprehensive…

AAU Launches “Fund American Science” Campaign

The Association of American Universities (AAU) has launched a new campaign titled, “Fund American Science: Congress Must Act Now to Fund the CHIPS and Science Act” in response to the insufficient funding for the science portion of the CHIPS and Science Act (see previous COSSA coverage). The AAU stresses that budget constraints and disagreements in Congress pose further threats to catching up to CHIPS and Scienceā€™s funding goals. This campaign calls on Congress to fully fund the amounts that CHIPS and Science authorized for the Department of Energy (DOE)ā€™s Office of Science, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and the National…

COSSA Marks One Year of CHIPS and Science Act

August 9 marked the one year anniversary of enactment of theĀ CHIPS and Science ActĀ (P.L. 117-167), sweeping legislation aimed at reinvestment in and advancement ofĀ the U.S. scientific enterprise. Countless activities have ensued since passage of the landmark bill, such as the creation of the new Technology, Innovation and Partnership (TIP) Directorate at the National Science Foundation, efforts to address research security, research integrity and broadening participation in science, and new federal investments in key technology areas, such as artificial intelligence. Another critical feature of the law was the inclusion of ambitious funding targets for federal science agencies. However, as with all…

NCSES Launches Website for the National Secure Data Service Demonstration Project

The National Science Foundationā€™s (NSF) statistical agency, the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics (NCSES), hasĀ launched a websiteĀ for the National Secure Data Service Demonstration Project (NSDS-D). NSDS-D is one of the required projects authorized under theĀ CHIPS and Science Act of 2022Ā (see previous COSSA coverage). The project is intended to inform the ongoing work to improve the governmentsā€™ data infrastructure system, including new ways of collecting and linking data.Ā  More details can be found on theirĀ website.Ā 

Schumer Calls for CHIPS 2.0 Legislation to Up Competition with China

Earlier this month, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) announced plans to develop bipartisan legislation aimed at strengthening the U.S.ā€™s ability to continue outcompeting China in key technology development. As previously reported, earlier versions of the CHIPS and Science Act that was enacted last year and focused on domestic investment in semiconductor manufacturing, had a much larger focus on direct competition with China. However, many of those provisions pertaining to trade and foreign policy were dropped at the eleventh hour in order to get the final bill across the finish line. Now, Sen. Schumer wants to reinvigorate those and other…

ICYMI: President Bidenā€™s State of the Union Address

On February 7, President Biden held the annual State of the Union Address. Biden celebrated his Administrationā€™s success during the previous term and signaled the Administrationā€™s future goals. These goals include advancing gun safety laws, while also recognizing the historical Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, and reforming law enforcement through providing more training for police officers, with an emphasis on equity and violence prevention training, and more resources to programs that handle mental health issues and drug addiction. President Biden also recognized the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act and the creation of the Advanced Projects Research Agency for Health…


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