AERA Hold Annual Brown Lecture on “Indigenous Pathways toward Justice”

brown lectureTeresa L. McCarty, professor of education and anthropology and world-renowned scholar on indigenous language planning, policy, education, and revitalization, presented the 2015 American Educational Research Association (AERA) Brown Lecture in Education Research, “So That Any Child May Succeed—Indigenous Pathways toward Justice and the Promise of Brown,” in October. McCarty is a professor at the University of California, Los Angeles and professor emerita at Arizona State University.

McCarty’s lecture considered the legacy of the 1953 Brown v. Board of Education case and the “broader issues of education equality, in the context of research, policy, and practice in Indigenous education.” She also examined the “hard-fought pathways toward educational justice forged by Indigenous educators, parents, leaders, and allies; the larger colonial project in which those efforts are embedded; and the ways in which Indigenous initiatives are braided with those of others.” McCarty spoke about the continuing challenges associated with achieving Brown’s promise, specifically, “the simultaneous homogenizing and stratifying effects of current education policy—and what can be learned from diverse models of contemporary Indigenous education practice.” The lecture is available on AERA’s website.

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