COSSA Releases Preview of FY 2025 House Spending Bills Analysis

In late June, the House Commerce, Justice, Science and Related Agencies (CJS) Subcommittee marked up and reported out their bill that funds the National Science Foundation (NSF), U.S. Census Bureau, National Institute of Justice (NIJ), Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS), and other agencies. The House Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies (LHHS) Subcommittee also considered its bill, which is responsible for funding the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and other HHS agencies, the Department of Education, and the Department of Labor. 

COSSA is preparing a full analysis of the bills, which are being considered by the full Appropriations Committee this week. Stay tuned.

For now, read here for some early details of what is included in the bills as considered by the CJS and LHHS Subcommittees this week. 

Stay tuned to COSSA’s coverage of the FY 2025 appropriations bills, including our full analysis of the House bills coming soon.


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