Revisions #1 - 125397_washington update

A staple since COSSA’s earliest days, the biweekly COSSA Washington Update newsletter provides members and the public with comprehensive coverage of policy developments impacting social and behavioral science research. 

NSF Releases Dear Colleague Letter on Social Science Perspectives on Graduate Education

On December 16, the National Science Foundation (NSF) released a Dear Colleague Letter, signed by the Assistant Directors for the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate (SBE) and the Education and Human Resources Directorate (EHR), to draw the attention of the social science community to funding opportunities in the two directorates related to research in graduate education. The letter (NSF 20-030) follows a workshop and report from the National Academies of Sciences on Graduate STEM Education for the 21st Century and a workshop on Graduate Training in the Social and Behavioral Sciences. Funding opportunities include research grants, traineeships, and capacity…

NIH Seeking Comments on Inclusion Across the Lifespan II Workshop

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a Request for Information (RFI) seeking stakeholder input on a planned workshop on Inclusion Across the Lifespan, a policy intended to encourage inclusion of underrepresented participants in clinical studies. The Inclusion Across the Lifespan II Workshop is a follow-up to a 2017 workshop mandated by Congress in the 21st Century Cures Act. Comments will remain open until February 15, 2020. More information can be found in the NIH guide notice. Back to this issue’s table of contents.

ICPSR Launches Pilot Tool to Streamline Access to Restricted Federal Data

In December, ICPSR at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research released a new tool to simplify the application process for accessing restricted microdata from principal statistical agencies. ResearchDataGov gives researchers access to a single portal and a standard application to access restricted data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Census Bureau, National Center for Health Statistics, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, and the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. More federal data sources are expected to be added as the pilot moves forward. The project is supported by funding from the Census…

NIH Updates Diversity Statement

On November 22, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a notice updating the agency’s official statement on diversity in research settings. In a blog post by Deputy Director for Extramural Research at NIH Dr. Mike Lauer, the main reason for the updated statement was to expand the criteria for qualifying as an individual from a low socio-economic background. In the post, Lauer claims “this revised definition should better capture many scientists with a disadvantaged background, and be relatively easy to assess, ensuring we continue enhancing the diversity of the biomedical research workforce.” The updated diversity statement and the previous…

COSSA Washington Update, Volume 38 Issue 24

Featured News Congress Rushes to Finish FY 2020 as Schedule Fills COSSA in Action December’s Headlines to Feature Deep Dive on Threats to Research Security Advocacy Day Registration to Open Later this Month Letters & Statements Congressional News Members of Congress Request Feedback on Cures 2.0 Legislation House Science Committee Holds Hearing on Improving Science and Technology Advice for Congress Federal Agency & Administration News OSTP Seeks Input on Research Environment Office of Evaluation Sciences Seeks 2020 Fellows NIH Updates Diversity Statement Funding Opportunities Notices & Requests for Comment Open Positions Fellowships & Professional Development Community News & Reports Nomination…

Congress Rushes to Finish FY 2020 as Schedule Fills

The federal government is currently operating under a continuing resolution (CR), keeping the government open until December 20 at fiscal year (FY) 2019 funding levels. With less than two weeks left before the current stopgap spending bill expires, appropriators are hoping to finalize all twelve appropriations bills and pass them as soon as possible. In addition to the normal pressures of wrapping up annual appropriations before the holidays, Congressional leaders must also complete their year-end goals related to impeachment. The House has announced plans to vote on articles of impeachment before the end of the year and the Senate must…

December’s Headlines to Feature Deep Dive on Threats to Research Security

COSSA members are encouraged to sign up for the monthly COSSA Headlines webchat on Thursday December 12, in which COSSA staff will recap the most important social and behavioral science news from the past month and answer participants’ questions. The December chat will feature a deep dive discussion on understanding the threats to U.S. research security with Toby Smith, Vice President for Policy at the Association of American Universities. Individuals employed by or affiliated with a COSSA member organization or university can register for the webchat here. Back to this issue’s table of contents.

Advocacy Day Registration to Open Later this Month

Early bird registration for COSSA’s 2020 Social Science Advocacy Day will begin in mid-December. COSSA members interested in taking advantage of our early bird pricing should sign up for COSSA’s members-only emails so they can be the first to know when registration is live. In the meantime, the hotel block for Advocacy Day is open for those ready to make their travel arrangements. Participants may reserve rooms in the block at $276 per night for the nights of March 29-31 at the Hilton Garden Inn Washington DC/U.S. Capitol (1225 First Street, NE), a nine-minute walk from our Advocacy Day training location and…

Members of Congress Request Feedback on Cures 2.0 Legislation

On November 22, Congresswoman Diana DeGette (D-CO) and Congressman Fred Upton (R-MI) released a statement detailing a vision for an updated version of the 21st Century Cures Act and calling for stakeholder input. The proposed legislation, colloquially known as “Cures 2.0,” would provide funding for research into cures for several life-threatening diseases. The Members will accept stakeholder comments until December 16. Information on how to submit comments can be found in the Members’ statement. Back to this issue’s table of contents.

House Science Committee Holds Hearing on Improving Science and Technology Advice for Congress

On December 5, the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology (SST) held a hearing to discuss options in improving the advice-giving infrastructure available to Members of Congress on science and technology issues. Members discussed recommendations from a recent National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) report on Science and Technology Policy Assessment as well as the possibility of reinstating the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), which was dismantled in 1995. Witnesses present at the hearing included Director of Civil-Military Programs at the Stennis Center for Public Service Michael McCord, Director of the Technology and Public Purpose Project in the…

OSTP Seeks Input on Research Environment

The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) has issued a request for information (RFI) on the research environment. Comments will be used to inform the work of the Joint Committee on the Research Environment (JCORE), a committee of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC). JCORE was established in May 2019 and comprises four subcommittees: (1) Research Rigor and Integrity; (2) Coordinating Administrative Requirements for Research; (3) Research Security; and (4) Safe and Inclusive Research Environments (see previous coverage). The request asks for information on actions that Federal agencies can take, working in partnership with private industry,…

Office of Evaluation Sciences Seeks 2020 Fellows

The Office of Evaluation Sciences (OES) at the General Services Administration is currently accepting applications for a yearlong fellowship beginning in fall 2020. OES is a team of applied researchers that work to build insights from the social and behavioral sciences into federal programs. OES designs, implements, and analyzes evidence-based interventions and randomized evaluations. Fellows shape their own high-impact portfolio of work, design and direct projects, and author academic publications. The deadline to submit applications is December 15. The full solicitation is available here and applications can be submitted by completing this form. Back to this issue’s table of contents.

COSSA Welcomes the University of Arkansas

COSSA is pleased to welcome the University of Arkansas as its newest member. Located in Fayetteville, the University of Arkansas receives more than $2 million in federal social and behavioral science funding annually. COSSA’s full membership list is available here. Information on how to join can be found on the COSSA website. Back to this issue’s table of contents.

COSSA Washington Update, Volume 38 Issue 23

Featured News President Signs One-Month Continuing Resolution, Temporarily Averting Government Shutdown COSSA in Action COSSA Seeks Nominations for 2020 Public Impact Award Rush Holt Answers “Why Social Science?” Letters & Statements Congressional News Senate Subcommittee Releases Report, Holds Hearing on Securing U.S. Research from Foreign Talent Recruitment Plans Federal Agency & Administration News PCAST Holds First Meeting, Swears in New Members NIH Requests Comments on Draft Policy for Data Management and Sharing NEH Releases 2020 Summer Programs for Teachers Nomination Opportunities Funding Opportunities Notices & Requests for Comment Fellowships & Professional Development Community News & Reports National Academies Launches Committee…

President Signs One-Month Continuing Resolution, Temporarily Averting Government Shutdown

The President signed a one-month continuing resolution (CR) on November 21 to keep the government operating at fiscal year (FY) 2019 levels until December 20. FY 2020 began on October 1 and while both the House of Representatives and the Senate have made progress on passing individual bills, contentious issues like top-line funding levels and funding for a wall on the southern U.S. border have kept Congress from finalizing FY 2020 spending. A notable exception to the flat funding required by the CR is additional funding authority given to the Census Bureau as the agency prepares for the 2020 Decennial…

COSSA Seeks Nominations for 2020 Public Impact Award

COSSA is seeking nominations for the 2020 COSSA Public Impact Award, which recognizes individuals, groups, and/or organizations who are using social and behavioral science research to affect real change in society. COSSA established the award in 2019, to celebrate the many ways social and behavioral science research is being used to achieve notable improvements in communities. The inaugural COSSA Public Impact Award was presented to The Lab @ DC in April 2019 in recognition of its work in improving programs and services to the citizens of the District of Columbia through methods and research in the social sciences. Nominations may…

Rush Holt Answers “Why Social Science?”

The latest Why Social Science? guest post comes from Rush Holt, CEO Emeritus of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, who writes about how social science creates systems for understanding the world around us. Read it here and subscribe. Back to this issue’s table of contents.

Senate Subcommittee Releases Report, Holds Hearing on Securing U.S. Research from Foreign Talent Recruitment Plans

On November 18, the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations (PSI) of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee released a staff report on federal agencies’ efforts to protect the U.S. research enterprise from illegal technology transfer and research espionage occurring through foreign talent recruitment activities such as China’s Thousand Talents Plan. The report offers details of prevention activities employed at the National Science Foundation (NSF), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the Department of Energy (DOE), the Department of State, the Department of Commerce (DOC), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the White House Office of Science and Technology…

PCAST Holds First Meeting, Swears in New Members

On November 18, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) held its first meeting since the council was reconstituted in October. The meeting included discussions of possible work streams for PCAST, opportunities for collaboration with the National Science Board (the advisory body of the National Science Foundation), and updates on White House initiatives. Additionally, Kelvin Droegemeier, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) and Chair of PCAST, swore in two new PCAST members: Shannan Blunt, professor of electoral engineering and computer science at the University of Kansas, and Dorota Grejner-Brzezinska, Associate Dean…

NIH Requesting Comments on Newly Released Draft Policy for Data Management and Sharing

On November 6, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) released a draft of the new NIH Policy on Data Management and Sharing. The policy is intended to clarify rules on the handling and sharing of potentially sensitive NIH data while allowing access to the data to be more available for use in research. The draft policy requires all NIH-funded research resulting in the generation of scientific data to be submitted alongside a Data Management and Sharing Plan outlining any potential restrictions or limitations of data management. NIH is accepting public comments on the draft policy until January 10, 2020. More…


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