action alert

Action Alert articles from COSSA

NEW ACTION ALERT: Write to Congress TODAY about the Need to Protect Government Data

Since January, government data sources have begun disappearing from federal agency websites, including at the National Science Foundation, U.S. Census Bureau, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other agencies within the Department of Health and Human Services, and Department of Justice, among others. While some data have since been restored, many remain unavailable and the Trump Administration’s plans regarding the availability of government data and statistics remain uncertain. The social and behavioral science community understands well that the research enterprise, government officials, businesses, and other sectors rely on accurate, unbiased public data—data that must remain free from political interference….

NEW ACTION ALERT: Write to Congress TODAY to Urge Support for FY 2025 Science Funding

Deadlines in the House of Representatives for FY 2025 funding requests are this week. It is critical that lawmakers hear from you TODAY to urge their support for federal science agencies. One way that Members of Congress can express their support for science funding is by signing a “Dear Colleague Letter.” These letters, which are sponsored by one or more Members of Congress, are circulated to all Congressional offices to solicit additional signatures. The final letters are sent to the Appropriations Committees and typically urge the committee to include a specific funding level for an agency or program in the…

NEW ACTION ALERTS: Urge Congress to Prioritize Funding Social and Behavioral Science Research in FY 2025!

Congressional appropriators are preparing legislation that will determine funding for federal science and statistical agencies for the next year. With strict discretionary budget caps currently in place (learn more), it is essential that we fight for the prioritization of social and behavioral science research funding in fiscal year (FY) 2025. Now is the time to write to your Members of Congress to urge their support for research funding in FY 2025! COSSA has created a menu of resources for you to use in your outreach to lawmakers. Visit our ACTION CENTER page to send a letter to your Senators and Representative and…

NEW ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Protect Science Funding in FY 2024!

Congress is working now to finalize spending legislation for fiscal year (FY) 2024. As lawmakers continue their negotiations it is critical that they hear from the social and behavioral science community. Write to your members of Congress TODAY and urge them to support the highest possible funding levels for federal science agencies in FY 2024! Don’t let funding for social and behavioral science research be left behind. For more details, follow COSSA’s FY 2024 coverage here. Visit COSSA’s TAKE ACTION page to send a quick message to your Senators and Representatives and tell them why they must protect science funding in FY 2024.

NEW ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Reject Cuts to Science Funding in FY 2024!

The U.S. House of Representatives is voting this week on fiscal year (FY) 2024 appropriations bills that fund social and behavioral science research. The bills in the House propose massive cuts to discretionary spending, including for research. Write to your members of Congress TODAY and urge them to reject these proposals.  For more details, follow COSSA’s FY 2024 coverage here. Visit COSSA’s TAKE ACTION page to send a quick message to your Senators and Representatives and tell them why they must reject cuts to science funding in FY 2024.

NEW ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Support the Highest Possible Funding Levels for Social Science!

Congressional appropriators are currently considering fiscal year (FY) 2024 appropriations bills that would decimate funding for federal science and statistical agencies. It is critical that we raise our voices in support of robust investment in social and behavioral science research. In response, COSSA has issued an action alert urging members to write to their Members of Congress to urge their support for social science research funding in FY 2024! Visit COSSA’s TAKE ACTION page to send a quick message to your Senators and Representatives and tell them why they must support the highest possible funding levels for federal science and statistical agencies…

Take Action to Support Social Science Funding!

Social science is here to help! During COSSA’s 2023 Social Science Advocacy Day, advocates shared stories about ways social science is informing policy and improving lives. They did their part to secure robust funding for the federal agencies and programs critical to our sciences. Now it’s your turn.  Congressional appropriators are preparing legislation that will determine funding for federal science and data agencies for the next year. With some lawmakers discussing a return to FY 2022 funding levels (see related article), it is essential to fight for robust investments in social and behavioral science research and federal statistical agencies. Now…

Recap of COSSA’s 2022 Social Science Advocacy Day

It is not too late to get in on the action. Check out COSSA’s Action Alert and send a quick note to your elected officials today to voice your support for federal science agencies that advance the social and behavioral sciences.

COSSA Urges Congress to Complete FY 2022 Funding

COSSA has issued an action alert calling on advocates to urge their Members of Congress to prioritize completing the FY 2022 appropriations process this year, rather than passing long-term stopgap measures that could further delay funding into next year. The current continuing resolution (CR) expires on December 3. While CRs avert government-wide shutdowns, they also freeze funding for federal agencies at current levels. Operating under funding uncertainty creates inefficiencies for critical federal science and statistical agencies, limits their ability to conduct long-term planning, and creates uncertainty for federally funded researchers. You can take action now by visiting COSSA’s action center.

COSSA Urges Advocates to Contact Elected Officials in Support of Social Science in FY 2022

As Congressional appropriators are preparing legislation that will determine funding for federal science and data agencies for the next year, COSSA released an action alert urging social science advocates to reach out to their Congressional representatives to tell them to fight for robust investments in social and behavioral science research and data. COSSA created a menu of letters that stakeholders can send to their Members of Congress to share their priorities for the coming year. COSSA’s TAKE ACTION page allows advocates to quickly send a letter to their Senators and Representative and tell them why they care about supporting the National Science…

COSSA Urges Advocates to Oppose FY 2021 Budget Cuts to Social Science

Last week, COSSA released an action alert urging social science advocates to reach out to their Congressional representatives to oppose the steep cuts proposed by the Administration in its FY 2021 budget request (see COSSA’s analysis). COSSA created a menu of letters that stakeholders can send to their Members of Congress to share their priorities for the coming year. COSSA’s TAKE ACTION page allows advocates to quickly send a letter to your Senators and Representative and tell them why they care about supporting the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, the Institute of Education Sciences and International Education, or…


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