COSSA to Co-Sponsor University of Maryland Workshop on University-Industry Partnerships in the Social Sciences

The University of Maryland and UIDP, with support from COSSA, the National Science Foundation, MITRE, and Optimal Solutions Group, will be hosting a two-part Workshop on University-Industry Partnerships in the Social Sciences. This workshop, which will convene a virtual session on October 14, 2021, and an in-person main event on April 20-21, 2022, aims to bring together a wide variety of experts from within academia, government, non-profits, and the private sector to consider the potential of cross-sector partnerships to advance social and behavioral science and to benefit society. Three topics of focus have been identified for the sessions:

  • Using Mission-Oriented Innovation to Address Societal Challenges 
  • Mapping Privacy Influencers: Partnerships to Understand Emerging Privacy Policy
  • Developing a Mental Wellbeing Index for Addressing Behavioral Health Inequities

Registration for the workshop is free and open to everyone. A workshop agenda and registration information are available on the University of Maryland website.



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