In addition to working closely with our member organizations, COSSA collaborates with many partner organizations and actively participates in coalitions to accomplish shared goals. You can browse the multi-society letters and statements COSSA has joined by selecting "coalition letters" from the "document type" dropdown on the sidebar.
The Ad Hoc Group for Medical Research is a coalition of more than 300 patient and voluntary health groups, medical and scientific societies, academic and research organizations, and industry that support enhancing the federal investment in the biomedical, behavioral, and population-based research conducted and supported by the NIH. »website
The CDC Coalition’s mission is to support a funding level for the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that enables it to carry out its mission to protect and promote good health and to assure that research findings are translated into effective state, local and community programs. »website
The Census Project is a collaboration of state and local governments, civil rights and labor groups, housing and child advocates, businesses, professional societies, and research organizations interested in a fair and accurate census. »website
The Coalition for International Education is a group of over 30 national higher education organizations, which share an interest in U.S. Department of Education programs and initiatives that promote U.S. global competence. The Coalition strives for U.S. education community consensus on policies and issues affecting international education initiatives to educate Americans in the foreign languages and cultures of the world. It informs policy makers, education and private sector officials and the media about national needs in international and foreign language education. »website
The Coalition for National Science Funding (CNSF) is an alliance of over 140 organizations united by a concern for the future vitality of the national science, mathematics, and engineering enterprise. CNSF supports the goal of increasing the national investment in the National Science Foundation’s research and education programs in response to the unprecedented scientific, technological and economic opportunities facing the United States. »website
The Coalition for National Security Research (CNSR) is a broad-based alliance of industry, academia, scientific and professional organizations, and non-profits committed to advocating for a strong Defense Science and Technology enterprise. »website
The Friends of AHRQ is a voluntary coalition of more than 250 organizations that support the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). These groups are either the producers or end-users of the health services research developed by AHRQ. »website
The objectives of the Friends of the Bureau of Labor Statistics are to (1) Create a network of users of BLS data and information to facilitate the distribution of information, opinions, and ideas about BLS among users; (2) Act as a reservoir of individuals and organizations who could participate in seminars and other educational events for the public and for public policy decision makers about the utility and overall value of BLS programs; and (3) Support the BLS as an institution that provides critical data and tools to a wide variety of users for a wide variety of purposes. »website
The Friends of IES is a coalition of organizations focused on highlighting the important role of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) in supporting education research. Its mission is to increase the visibility of the research funded by the agency, strengthen IES programs by supporting strong and comprehensive reauthorization bills, and seek adequate and sustained funding for the research IES supports. »website
The Friends of NCHS is a voluntary coalition of more than 250 organizations that support the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS). Members of this diverse group-including think tanks, professional associations, and universities-rely on the data collected and maintained by NCHS to conduct research, support advocacy efforts, and influence and inform health policy. »website
The Friends of the National Institute on Aging is a broad coalition of organizations committed to the advancement of health sciences research that could affect millions of older Americans. FoNIA supports the research and training missions of the National Institute on Aging and serves as a bridge between the NIA and supportive organizations and groups in order to promote and advocate for the NIA and its initiatives as public policies in health and research take shape. By bringing together like-minded organizations to support the federal government’s leading aging research institute, FoNIA addresses current and future challenges in advancing public awareness and acceptance of research goals. »website
The Friends of National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) is an independent coalition of over 100 organizations formed in the mid-1980’s to support the important role of NICHD. The primary mission of the Friends of NICHD is to advocate on behalf of the Institute during the annual congressional appropriations and budget processes. The Friends also promote NICHD-funded research activities and advances by sponsoring briefings for congressional staff, mailings to Members of Congress and staff, drafting fact sheets, facilitating tours of the Institute and research facilities for Congressional staff, and submitting annual testimony to the House and Senate Appropriations Committees. »website
The Friends of the National Institute on Drug Abuse is a coalition of individuals, scientific and professional societies, patient groups and other organizations committed to the elimination of drug abuse and addiction through education, advocacy, and the promotion of broad public and private support for the research agenda of the National Institute on Drug Abuse. As part of National Institutes of Health, NIDA funds 85 percent of the world’s research on the health aspects of drug abuse. »website
The Friends of the National Institutes of Health Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (Friends of NIH BSSR), is an informal coalition working to support the NIH Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research (OBSSR) and other social and behavioral science research activities conducted across the agency. COSSA chairs the group, which is open to all COSSA members and other organizations with interests in behavioral and social science research at NIH. The Friends meet every other month in Washington, DC.
The Friends of NIMH coalition is dedicated to supporting the mission of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) to transform the understanding of mental health and the treatment of mental illnesses through basic biomedical, behavioral, and clinical research, to best inform prevention, early intervention, recovery, and cures. »website