Meet COSSA’s Summer Policy Intern: Rachel Bashe
Rachel Bashe started as COSSA’s summer policy intern in May. Before heading back to class later this month, she provided some reflections from her summer at COSSA.
2025 Social Science Advocacy Day
COSSA’s Social Science Advocacy Day is back! Join COSSA on March 24-25, 2025 in Washington, DC! Advocacy Day brings together social and behavioral scientists and science advocates from across the country to engage with policymakers. The stakes for research funding have never been higher as we enter a particularly challenging political and budgetary environment. Social Science Advocacy Day is a must for all stakeholders who care about the fate of federal funding for social and behavioral science research and who believe this research should be used to inform sound public policy. This opportunity is available to individuals affiliated with a COSSA member organization. If you are a member of or employed by one of COSSA’s member organizations, you are eligible to participate. You can check your organization/institution’s membership status here. Not a member? Click here to learn more about how your organization can join COSSA and take advantage of members-only opportunities. Sponsorship packages are now available and come with free event registrations. If your organization is interested in sponsoring, please contact Wendy Naus ([email protected]) before registering. A list of hotels in the area can be found here. Participants are responsible for making…
Save the Date: NIH Town Hall with COSSA on August 29!
In early June, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), in partnership with the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (LHHS) Chair Robert Aderholt (R-AL), released a framework outlining potential reforms for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (see previous COSSA coverage). Since this framework was released, there has been a lot of conversation about the future of NIH and what this framework would look like in action. On August 29 at 12pm EST, join COSSA Staff for an informal conversation about recent developments and the proposed framework. Keep an eye on your inbox…
COSSA Town Hall: NIH Reform Proposals
In early June, House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA), in partnership with the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education (LHHS) Chair Robert Aderholt (R-AL), released a framework outlining potential reforms for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) (see previous COSSA coverage). Since this framework was released, there has been a lot of conversation about the future of NIH and what this framework would look like in action. On September 12, COSSA Staff hosted an informal conversation about recent developments and the frameworks proposed for the NIH. View the Slides Guest Presenters Wendy Naus…
Catch Up on COSSA’s May Headlines Webinar
Did you miss our May Headlines Webinar on Recent Developments at the U.S. Census Bureau? You can catch up on the recording here featuring special guest Dr. Robert L. Santos, Director of the U.S. Census Bureau! Watch for additional COSSA Headlines announcements and view previous webinar recordings on the COSSA website.
NEW ACTION ALERT: Write to Congress TODAY to Urge Support for FY 2025 Science Funding
Deadlines in the House of Representatives for FY 2025 funding requests are this week. It is critical that lawmakers hear from you TODAY to urge their support for federal science agencies. One way that Members of Congress can express their support for science funding is by signing a “Dear Colleague Letter.” These letters, which are sponsored by one or more Members of Congress, are circulated to all Congressional offices to solicit additional signatures. The final letters are sent to the Appropriations Committees and typically urge the committee to include a specific funding level for an agency or program in the…
REGISTER NOW: May 22 Webinar to Feature Census Director – Register Now!
COSSA’s 2024 Headlines Webinar series will continue to feature discussions with leaders of federal science agencies, providing opportunities for the social and behavioral science community to learn about agency research programs, funding opportunities, and priorities. The next webinar will be taking place on May 22, featuring a discussion with the Director of the U.S. Census Bureau, Robert L. Santos. RSVP here. Did you miss April’s webinar? You can watch the recording now to catch up on our discussion about the behavioral and social science priorities at the National Institutes of Health with Dr. Jane M. Simoni. Headlines is a webinar series available to COSSA member organizations.
May 2024 Headlines: Recent Developments at the U.S. Census Bureau
The 2024 Headlines series continues with a discussion about recent developments and research activities within the U.S. Census Bureau. Presenter Director Robert L. Santos, the U.S. Census Bureau. Robert L. Santos is the 26th director of the U.S. Census Bureau. He was sworn in on January 5, 2022. His career spans more than 40 years in survey research, statistical design and analysis and executive-level management. Before coming to the Census Bureau, he spent 15 years as vice president and chief methodologist at the Urban Institute and directed its Statistical Methods Group – and served as executive vice president and partner…
REGISTER NOW: Headlines Webinars continue April 23
COSSA’s 2024 Headlines Webinar series will continue to feature discussions with leaders of federal science agencies, providing opportunities for the social and behavioral science community to learn about agency research programs, funding opportunities, and priorities. Upcoming Webinars: Did you miss March’s webinar? You can watch the recording now to catch up on our discussion about the research and education programs and priorities of the STEM Education Directorate at the National Science Foundation with Dr. James L. Moore III. Headlines is a webinar series available to COSSA member organizations.
COSSA Releases 2024 College & University Rankings for Social & Behavioral Science R&D Funding
On March 13, COSSA released its annual College and University Rankings for Federal Social and Behavioral Science R&D, which highlight the top university recipients of research dollars in the social and behavioral sciences. COSSA’s website also features a rankings dashboard with an interactive map of recipients of social and behavioral science R&D funding so you can see how your university stacks up among U.S. institutions. More edits will come to the dashboard over the coming weeks, so be sure to check back for new features. Based on federally collected data, the COSSA rankings use an inclusive selection of fields representing the breadth…
March 2024 Headlines: Research and Education Programs and Priorities of the STEM Education Directorate at the National Science Foundation
The 2024 Headlines series continues with a discussion about the research and education programs and priorities within the STEM Education Directorate at the National Science Foundation. View the Slides Presenter Dr. James L. Moore III, Assistant Director for the Directorate for STEM Education at the National Science Foundation As a member of the executive leadership team at the National Science Foundation (NSF), Dr. James L. Moore III is the Assistant Director for the Directorate for STEM Education (EDU). With an annual budget of over $1 Billion and personnel oversight for nearly 200 employees, he serves as the senior leader for…
February 2024 COSSA Headlines: Research Programs and Priorities of the National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Statistics
The 2024 Headlines series kicks off with a discussion about the research and data activities within the National Institute of Justice and Bureau of Justice Statistics. Presenters Dr. Nancy La Vigne, Director, National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, DOJ Nancy La Vigne was appointed by President Biden as Director of the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) in March 2022. Dr. La Vigne’s research expertise ranges from policing and corrections reform to reentry from prison, criminal justice technologies and evidence-based criminal justice practices. Prior to joining NIJ, she served as executive director of the Council on Criminal Justice’s Task…
Social Science Advocacy Day Informational Webinar #1
Curious about 2024 Social Science Advocacy Day? Do you have questions or want to know more about what to expect from the event? Join us for an informational webinar! We will be hosting a session to provide an overview of Advocacy Day, how to register, answer any questions, and more. Find the Zoom link below and come with your questions!
Social Science Advocacy Day Informational Webinar #2
Join us for an informational webinar about 2024 Social Science Advocacy Day!
Editor’s Note: Update Returning on January 9
This is our final issue of the COSSA Washington Update for 2023. Late-breaking news and analysis will be shared with members subscribed to our members-only emails. We will resume our ongoing coverage of policy developments affecting the social and behavioral sciences on January 9. The COSSA team wishes all our readers a happy and healthy holiday season.
NEW ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Reject Cuts to Science Funding in FY 2024!
The U.S. House of Representatives is voting this week on fiscal year (FY) 2024 appropriations bills that fund social and behavioral science research. The bills in the House propose massive cuts to discretionary spending, including for research. Write to your members of Congress TODAY and urge them to reject these proposals. For more details, follow COSSA’s FY 2024 coverage here. Visit COSSA’s TAKE ACTION page to send a quick message to your Senators and Representatives and tell them why they must reject cuts to science funding in FY 2024.
SAVE THE DATE: COSSA’s 2024 Social Science Advocacy Day is April 8-9
COSSA’s tenth annual Social Science Advocacy Day will be taking place on April 8-9, 2024 in Washington, DC! Our signature, members-only event will bring together social and behavioral science researchers, faculty, students, association professionals, and other advocates from across the country to meet with their elected officials in Congress to discuss the value of our sciences and the importance of federal funding. Stay tuned for additional details, early bird registration will be opening in a few weeks! Until then, save the date and share this exciting opportunity with your colleagues. We hope to see you in Washington, DC in April 2024!
COSSA Releases 2022 Annual Report
COSSA’s 2022 Annual Report is now available. Check it out to learn more about COSSA’s activities and successes over the past year. Find out how your organization can become a member of COSSA on our website.
Find Us on Instagram!
You can now find COSSA on Instagram! Be sure to follow us here to stay informed on all things related to social science in federal policymaking. Find our other social media profiles on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook.