Precision Medicine Initiative Cohort Program Renamed “All of Us” Research Program

On October 12, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced that the Precision Medicine Initiative (PMI) Cohort Program has been renamed the All of Us Research Program. The name change, according to the announcement, reflects the study’s core values, which include “participation is open to all; participants reflect the rich diversity of the U.S.; participants are partners; participants have access to their information; data will be accessed broadly for research purposes; security and privacy will be of highest priority; and the program will be a catalyst for positive change in research.” The program’s name change also incorporates the feedback NIH received via its community engagement events and one-on-one outreach activities, particularly the response it received around the use of the word “cohort.” In addition to changing the study’s name, All of Us launched an online form designed to gather input.

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