OSTP to Host Listening Sessions to Inform the Federal STEM Strategic Plan
The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) is hosting virtual listening sessions throughout March to inform development of the 2023-2028 Federal STEM Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan was first introduced in 2013 by the National Science and Technology Committee (NSTC) during the Obama Administration, and was continued by the Trump Administration in 2018 (previous COSSA coverage). The Strategic Plan is a five-year plan that seeks to improve STEM education and the workforce and is required by the America COMPETES Re-authorization Act of 2010. The listening sessions will be facilitated by the IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute and are expected to focus on specific topics within the STEM ecosystem to provide OSTP and NSTC with a well-rounded understanding to inform the Strategic Plan.
The listening session topics include:
- STEM Education: Support learners and educators in and across all science and disciplines on March 15
- STEM Workforce Development: Prepare and recruit our Nation’s future STEM workforce on March 17
- STEM Workforce: Foster inclusive STEM learning and working spaces to retain STEM learners and workers on March 20
- STEM Engagement: Foster meaningful community and public engagement in science and technology on March 22
- STEM Research and Innovation Capacity: Build and drive capacity and cutting-edge STEM (and STEM education) research and development on March 24
- The National STEM Ecosystem on March 27
Registration information is available here.