NIGMS/NRMN Announces New Web-Based Platform for Mentoring; Highlights Special Journal Issue on Broadening Participation

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) recently announced the launch of MyNRMN, part of the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN). NIGMS manages NRMN for the NIH’s Common Fund Diversity Program Consortium, which in addition to the NRMN includes the Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity (BUILD) initiative and the Coordination and Evaluation Center (CEC). In a recent NIGMS Feedback Loop blog post announcing MyNRMN, NIGMS staff explained that the new web-based platform is intended to help researchers and students connect professionally and is “designed for scientists at every level.” Additionally, it can be used as a “complementary networking tool” to NRMN’s established Guided Virtual Mentoring Program.
The blog post also highlighted the September 1 special issue of CBE-Life Sciences Education, “Broadening Participation in the Life Sciences.” Eleven of the 35 features, editorials, essays and articles are authored by NIGMS leadership, staff and grantees. Additionally, NIH Chief Diversity Officer Hannah Valantine, in collaboration with the Institute’s staff, describes plans to “integrate and coordinate efforts across NIH to catalyze enhancements in biomedical research workforce diversity.” The issue also includes a contribution, From the NSF: The National Science Foundation’s Investments in Broadening Participation in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education through Research and Capacity Building, which discusses the agency’s investment in broadening participation.


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