NIA Alzheimer’s Disease Research: ‘A Wealth of New Opportunities’

In a recent National Institute on Aging (NIA) blog, Inside NIA: A Blog for Researchers, Director Richard Hodes highlighted the latest concept clearances approved by NIA’s advisory committee. Hodes also announced that the Institute expects to release a record number of new funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) over the next several months. He emphasized that the FOAs that are developed from the concept proposals will involve “every NIA division” and, in “a number of cases, two or more divisions will co-sponsor an FOA.” Hodes encourages researchers to examine the list of concepts and begin to think about submitting a grant proposal. He expects that the first round of FOAs will be released in the next four to six weeks, followed by the release of additional FOAs over the succeeding two to three months. In addition to disseminating the FOAs broadly, the Institute plans to also highlight them in the blog. Hodes also noted that most of the 10 FOAs for research on Alzheimer’s covering the continuum of aging research released by the Institute in 2015 are still open, adding “we continue to welcome applications in the broad field of aging research.”

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