Preparing for Next Week’s Elections: Content from COSSA!

In anticipation of next week’s elections, we wanted to share some of our past Why Social Science? posts and Headlines webinars to help you navigate the next few days.

Why Social Science?

COSSA Headlines Webinars

In our recent COSSA Washington Update, we compiled a list of Competitive Elections for the SBS Community to Watch where you can find some races that will have an effect on our community. The article also includes links to the Cook Political Reports where you can keep a close eye on the races. We also recommend another tracker from The Hill to keep a close eye on election results.

We also encourage you to sign up for our December COSSA Headlines Webinar where we will discuss the results of the elections and their implications for the social and behavioral sciences as we head into the new year. Register here!

Finally, don’t forget to destress a bit. Have some fun with this Election Night Bingo sheet.


Past Newsletters



Browse 40 years of the COSSA Washington Update.