Good Science Project Seeks Proposals on Improving Funding and Practice of Federal R&D

The Good Science Project, a non-profit that seeks to improve the funding and practice of research and development (R&D), is seeking proposals from the public on actionable steps that government leaders and policymakers can take to positively reform R&D. The Good Science Project was developed in 2022 by Stuart Buck following the COVID-19 pandemic highlighting the positives and negatives of the current science funding model within the federal government. To this end, the Good Science Project intends to publish a series of policy briefs from researchers and scientists on ways to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of federal R&D, including but not limited to identifying ways to improve innovation within federal R&D, to reduce administrative burdens on researchers, and to support the next generation of scientists.

Submissions should include a paragraph that details an evidence-based approach to R&D reform and, if accepted, applicants will expand upon their approach with a 3–4-page policy brief alongside the Good Science Project. Proposals can be submitted here


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