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2025 Social Science Advocacy Day

  • March 24, 2025-March 25, 2025

March 24, 2025 March 25, 2025 EDT

COSSA’s Social Science Advocacy Day is back! Join COSSA on March 24-25, 2025 in Washington, DC! 

Advocacy Day brings together social and behavioral scientists and science advocates from across the  country to engage with policymakers.

The stakes for research funding have never been higher as we enter a particularly challenging political and budgetary environment. Social Science Advocacy Day is a must for all stakeholders who care about the fate of federal funding for social and behavioral science research and who believe this research should be used to inform sound public policy.

This opportunity is available to individuals affiliated with a COSSA member organization. If you  are a member of or employed by one of COSSA’s member organizations, you are eligible to  participate. You can check your organization/institution’s membership status here.

Not a member? Click here to learn more about how your organization can join COSSA and take  advantage of members-only opportunities.

Sponsorship packages are now available and come with free event registrations. If your organization is interested in sponsoring, please contact Wendy Naus ([email protected]before registering.

COSSA Member Benefit

Participation in Advocacy Day is a benefit reserved exclusively for COSSA member organizations. Check our member list to see if you belong to a member organization, or contact us to learn more about joining COSSA.