2023 Social Science Advocacy Day
April 24, 2023-April 25, 2023
Washington, DC

On April 24-25, COSSA held its annual Social Science Advocacy Day events in Washington, DC. Over 50 social and behavioral science researchers, students, and advocates from 11 different states descended on Capitol Hill to discuss with Congress the importance of funding for federal agencies and programs that support social and behavioral science research. This was COSSA’s first in-person Social Science Advocacy Day since 2019.
Materials used to help articulate the value of social and behavioral science research are available on the COSSA website, including FY 2024 Appropriations Requests and new topical one-pagers.
To participate in social science advocacy from home, visit COSSA’s Take Action page.
COSSA is especially grateful to the sponsors of this year’s event. Thank you to all involved for making this such an impactful experience!
Thank you to our 2023 sponsors!
Gold & Premium Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

COSSA Member Benefit
Participation in Advocacy Day is a benefit reserved exclusively for COSSA member organizations. Check our member list to see if you belong to a member organization, or contact us to learn more about joining COSSA.