April 27, 2021
All day

On April 27, more than 60 social and behavioral scientists participated in COSSA’s seventh annual
Social Science Advocacy Day, meeting virtually with Members of Congress and their staff about the many ways social and behavioral science can help the nation recover from the pandemic and tackle the other major challenges it faces. Advocates from 21 states conducted approximately 80 meetings with Congressional offices. They were equipped with materials that help to explain the unique contributions the social and behavioral sciences make to recovery and to address other pressing national issues; these factsheets are available on COSSA’s
Advocacy Resources page. COSSA is particularly grateful to the event’s sponsors, who made this year’s virtual event possible. Sincere thanks to the American Anthropological Association, American Educational Research Association, American Political Science Association, American Psychological Association, American Sociological Association, Boston University, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Midwest Political Science Association, National Communication Association, Ohio State University, Penn State Social Science Research Institute, Population Association of America, SAGE Publishing, Society for Personality and Social Psychology, University of Arizona, University of California, Irvine School of Social Sciences, and Wiley.
Thank you to our sponsors!
Gold Sponsors

Silver Sponsors

2020 Social Science Advocacy Day
2019 Social Science Advocacy Day
2018 Science Policy Conference & Social Science Advocacy Day
2017 Science Policy Conference & Social Science Advocacy Day
2016 Annual Meeting & Advocacy Day
2015 Annual Meeting & Advocacy Day