Call for Nominations: The FABBS IDEA Award

The Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS) is welcoming nominations for the Award for Inclusivity, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility – or IDEA Award – to recognize and honor distinguished research, professional practice, and activities, that advance these principles in the behavioral and brain sciences.

There are two award categories listed:

  • The Lifetime Achievement IDEA Award for Senior Scholars
  • The Kellina Craig-Henderson IDEA Award for Early to Mid-Career Scholars, in memory of Kellina Craig-Henderson, who led the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences (SBE) Directorate from January to June of 2022, following over 16 years of service to the National Science Foundation (NSF).

FABBS is encouraging nominations of scientists from minoritized communities and from disciplines and subject matters that have been traditionally under-represented in the behavioral and brain sciences.

The winner(s) of the IDEA award will be announced at the FABBS annual meeting in December and will receive $1,000, a plaque, and be featured in an article in the FABBS newsletter and website.

The deadline to submit nominations is September 15. Learn more about the submission process and guidelines here.


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