America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2015

The Federal Interagency Forum on Child and Family Statistics, a working group of 23 Federal agencies, recently released its annual compendium of indicators, America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-being, 2015. The 17th report in an ongoing series includes 41 key indicators “on important aspect of children’s lives” culled from the “most reliable Federal statistics.” The easily understood statistics in the report are “objectively based on substantial research.” The report also reveals trends over time that are “representative of large segments of the population” and include indicators seven domains: “family and social environment, economic circumstances, health care, physical environment and safety, behavior, education, and health.” The domains are “interrelated and can have synergistic effects on well-being.” In addition, the 2015 report includes a special section on Health Care Quality among U.S. children and highlights “well-child and well-adolescents visits, preschool vision screenings, asthma management plans, and access to care.” America’s Children: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2015, continues the Forum’s practice of highlighting “critical data gaps and challenges Federal statistical agencies” to address the identified gaps.

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