NIGMS Solicits Input on Approaches for Supporting Team Science

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is seeking input “on team-based scientific research and the manner in which this activity could be supported by the Institute.” Accordingly, NIGMS has issued a request for information (RFI), Approaches for Supporting Team Science in the Biomedical Research Community (NOT-GM-16-107), to assist it in “considering needs and opportunities in team science at the multi-investigator, institutional, regional, and national level.” The Institute plans to examine the “benefits and challenges of team science and is considering how to best support this mode of scientific research.” The RFI notes that team science allows for a level of collaboration that “would not be attainable either by an individual or simply additive efforts of two or more scientists.”

The Institute is interested in comments on the following topics: interest in team science, management and advisory structures in team science, team composition, resources and infrastructure, assessment of team science, and comments on past or current NIGMS team-based programs and funding mechanisms, among others. Comments are due June 17, 2016.

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