Biden Reappoints Two NSB Members, More Appointments yet to be Announced

On May 4, President Biden announced his intention to reappoint two members to the National Science Board (NSB) for the 2022-2028 term. Vice President for Research at the University of the District of Columbia and NSB Vice-Chair Dr. Victor McReary and Executive Emeritus of Sandia National Laboratories Dr. Julia Phillips are both sitting members of NSB and will now serve a second six-year term starting on May 10. Six other NSB members will have their terms expire on May 10 and President Biden has not indicated whom he intends to fill the vacancies. Of the departing members, three have served two terms and are not eligible for reappointment, opening positions for new membership on the board. COSSA will continue to watch for updates on NSB appointments in the future. The appointment announcement is available on the White House website.



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